Alps Blockchain in South America

From the Alps to the Andes

Our vision of an increasingly efficient blockchain infrastructure takes shape in South America, between Paraguay and Ecuador, where the mining farms we operate are the result of co-investment strategies and collaborations with specialised local entities. Here, we are dedicated to building mining farms powered by 100 per cent renewable hydropower, while maintaining our commitment to productive cooperation with local energy producers.




Feb 2022






Paraguay: new value to excess energy

The power of renewables will power the 9 mining farms we have built in Paraguay starting in February 2023. Paraguay is the country with the highest per capita energy surplus in the world, derived largely from the Itaipu Dam, one of the largest hydroelectric power plants on the planet by power generation and considered one of the seven civil engineering marvels of the 20th century. The dam generates a huge amount of cheap energy, with an annual surplus of 44,000 GWh, most of which is exported in the absence of the infrastructure to exploit it.

Ecuador: new alliance between digital and energy

In Ecuador, we took advantage of the favourable climatic conditions and the availability of water resources to directly supply our mining farm with hydropower. Cooperation with local energy players allows us to closely integrate our data centres with local hydroelectric power plants, just as we have done in Italy. Our infrastructure in Ecuador benefits from the country's vast hydropower capacity, with hydroelectricity rising to account for 79% of the energy mix by 2021.

Work with us

We work in partnership with mining and energy companies, local authorities and institutions that share our vision and goals, through an exchange of knowledge and expertise aimed at exploring new opportunities and developing valuable projects.

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